
HelpScribble™ Testimonials—What The People Say

Paul Symonds

“Many years ago I purchased your EditPad Pro, HelpScribble and DeployMaster and they are really great packages to use. I am an embedded systems design engineer by profession so generally don’t do PC-based applications, but when I need to, I use Embarcadero’s C++ Builder along with HelpScribble and DeployMaster and everything just works beautifully.”

28 June 2023, Australia

John Duerdoth

“I just realized how long I have been using HelpScribble… it was certainly back in the early days when I was just a young fellow of 65.”

“Still using it for lots of little projects that I create for friends and family. I don’t recall ever paying for upgrades… that’s very generous of you.”

20 August 2017, Canada

JT Bernert

“We started using both DeployMaster and HelpScribble last year and they have both been excellent. Your programs are reliable, simple to use and well-supported. Thanks.”

21 January 2016, Georgia, USA

William Shenk

“Great Product!! It makes doing my help files a breeze. The helpfile is the hardest part of my projects that I have to do. It is cumbersome and equates to doing paperwork. But, HelpScribble got me past this issue. It was by far the best investment I could have made.”

“p.s. – all of the other products are just as great, especially Deploymaster. Just Great Software, the name says it all.”

5 July 2013, Korea

Graham Collins

“I really must congratulate you on HelpScribble, it being the best help authoring system that I have ever used. I started many years ago using ‘ForeHelp’ to produce Winhelp files for my DELPHI software. Microsoft then standardised on HTML help, since when I have struggled with their so called `Help Workshop' to convert them to HTML. I have just purchased HelpScribble after only a couple of hours playing with the free version. HelpScribble imports my old ForeHelp projects effortlessly and converts them into HTML. I also like the editing facilities that provides and the way it enables the making of Winhelp or HTMLhelp compiled files from the one source.”

5 May 2012, France

James Anderson

“I have been busy on a new project so have not used HelpScribble in awhile. But finally I could not put off the part of the project every programmer hates. So I fired up HelpScribble and wanted you to note that I am still highly impressed with the thought that went into the GUI. Although I hate writing help files, with HS, I breezed through it with minimal effort.”

1 March 2010, Texas, USA

Eric Taylor

“I just want to say what a fantastic product you have created.”

“For years and years I have been using the old ‘HELP FILE’ system that Microsoft created. It gave me a lot of grief especially as I had to acquire and learn Office Word in order to create the RTF file. Then I had to go the palaver of converting it to a Help file using the Microsoft program. But at least I had managed to learn it and more or less understood how it worked.”

“So you can imagine how my heart sank when I discovered that Windows Vista no longer handled that system. At the ripe old age of 70 I would have to learn something completely new and convert a help file already almost as big as a dictionary.”

“Well I hunted through the Internet and came upon your program. It looked the best of the bunch so I took a chance and bought it.”

“It was incredible. It converted my entire old help file automatically and I was able to go in and alter topics that have been created over 20 years so that they now all look the same. It is so intuitive that, although I still have no idea how it works, I do not need to know and it is a pleasure adding or editing topics. Creating a new help file is a breeze. Even though I only work with it a few times a year it is so simple that I do not need to remember how it works.”

12 August 2009, South Africa

Kathleen McCarthy

“Thank you. You are the best! I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found a software product that really and truly provides overnight support from a real person, with an answer or explanation that I can understand.”

20 April 2009, West Virginia, USA

Doug Nichols

“I would like to say thanks for HelpScribble. It is idiosyncratic in one or two minor aspects, which is something I like actually, but it is so easy to use and makes the job of writing help files a pleasure. I followed the guidance given in your own “How to write a great help file” topic, and a reviewer of my product had this to say: “I think the help is some of the best written user assistance material I have seen for software of any kind - clear, informative and thorough”. I’m happy to share the credit for that with HelpScribble.”

26 June 2008, Australia

Robert W. Feakins

“I’m a new user, adapting my WinHelp file (done in ForeHelp) to the chm format in response to Vista. Helpscribble has allowed me to get a very functional chm file within a day of my purchase, and I congratulate you on a very good product. I love the view where I can see and edit my keywords right next to the topic title. I haven’t even used your keyword editor because of this. Love the Content editor as well.”

9 January 2008, California, USA

Chris Matier

“Superb product! I did not know a thing about help files and I am not sure if I still do. But I have already begun help files for two major products for my company and the results are fantastic. I purchased the software this past Friday and there is no looking back!”

30 April 2007--later:

“HelpScribble has single-handedly helped me to create a more useful and more professional looking product. HelpScribble is as easy to use as you advertise and the results, from someone who is rather weak with computers, are nothing shy of remarkable.”

7 August 2007, Oregon, USA

Jeff Nelson

“I really appreciate the thought that went into the design of HelpScribble. I’ve been using it a lot and have found it to be very user friendly.”

1 March 2007, Virginia, USA

Rex Crane

“Your Help Scribble product is awesome. I downloaded the demo version and was able to complete in one week a help file project I have been putting off for a year. Your online demos are spot on. Its rare to find a software product that works as easily and as well as the author claims it will. I only hope my software package, the one I needed the help file for, works as well as yours. Thanks again for a great product.”

2 December 2005, Indiana, USA

Ramon Sastre

“Thank you very much for this new update and, obviously, for the new dictionary in Catalan. When I asked you for it I thought in my mind that you’d never have the time to do it. But you have surprised me again!

“Your software is wonderful and you are different from those I usually meet in this world of software in Internet. Congratulations and thanks again!”

23 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain

Ian Mason

Your HelpScribble program is fantastic. My company specialises in database development and I had always put off doing a help file as I thought it was just too time consuming and difficult. I finally decided to purchase HelpScribble and I have gone from no knowledge about help files at all, to creating a 3Mb html help file for my main application with screen shots, a table of contents and everything indexed in just one week. This is something I thought I’d never be able to do. It has made my application so much more useful and saleable. Congratulations on your wonderful program.”

7 December 2004, Australia

Tom Buggy

“First of all, congratulations for producing a great tool -- it’s everything you claim it to be, and more. And that includes your own Help File. I’ve been able to create a Help File easily and in very little time.”

16 September 2004, New York, USA

Chris Kryza

Just wanted to let you folks know that you have created a very, very, very nice product! The last time I had to generate a context sensitive help file I used Doc-To-Help and I remember it took me weeks to get it right. With HelpScribble I was able to put together a complete help system in under 2 days and I then created a web-help deployment of same in seconds. I used your demo version to create the entire project and then purchased your product online after I saw how good it all looked. Great stuff!

Neil Harker

“We tried two other help systems (even paid for one of them) before trying yours. Yours is definitely the most stable, reliable, and easiest to use.”

Keith Johnson

“I would like to take this opportunity of saying how excellent HelpScribble is … our software for schools ( has sold to over 50 countries, mainly because of its friendliness, helped enormously by the interactive help screens produced by HelpScribble.

“HelpScribble does the job so well, in a clear and unfussy way … other programs like RoboHelp should just curl up and die, there’s no competition. Congratulations on a job well done, and so helpful to others, at a great price.”

Roj Ash

“I just felt I had to compliment you on this product. I have no experience of producing Help files, and having evaluated a number of products, I was beginning to believe that a mere programmer had no chance whatever!

“I am not only making good progress in producing the Help for our product (which is usually used by very inexperienced users), but I’m actually enjoying it!

“Thanks for a great product.”

29 April 2003, Utah, USA

Eric Somma

“I would like to thank you for your customer support. Although I purchased HelpScribble a long time ago I still receive these emails with free updates. In today’s world, I find that very unusually and very impressive!

“Thanks again for your continued support.”

Jean Paul Putzys

“I use it almost daily and it’s for me a tool that makes working really fun and easier.”

“An application i use it for is a ever-growing database of historical data. I know it isn’t meant for that, but i find no other system that’s so comfortable to maintain, that’s so user-friendly and give me an output so easy to share with others and most important for me something that can figure out what the relationship between topics is.”

Anyway I’d like to say that ‘Just Great Software’ can be proud of its name.

29 April 2003, Belgium

Peter Spears

“This is the first help-file compiler I have been able to use. I downloaded it at about 09h00 this morning, and by 10H40 I can now consider myself a master (almost). Just thought I’d drop you a line to say that I am most impressed. Other packages I have spent about a day trying to figure out, and more time than that I’m not willing to spend. It is products like this that make it fun to be a developer: Don’t you just love it when things work!?

Neil Kingsley

“I just sent off my credit card information via your website, to pay for HelpScribble, but wanted to drop you a note to let you know how pleased I was with your product.

“I downloaded HelpScribble on Saturday, after doing a bit of on-line research into help authoring tools. By this morning (Monday) I had finished the initial version of Help for a moderately complex application that I have been working on in Borland C++ Builder 4. (and I didn’t have to lose any sleep along the way!)

“I had been dreading having to write the Help file, and was falling behind schedule as I kept putting it off. HelpScribble was so easy to use that I was able to get started after about ten minutes of reading.

“HelpScribble is one of those tools that is written to work FOR the programmer, rather than getting in the way or forcing you to do uncomfortable or unfamiliar things. It embodies the principle of “least surprise” - i.e. that things shouldn’t happen ‘by surprise’ when you use a piece of software. I try to design my software so that there aren’t nasty surprises for my users, and I really appreciate the way your HelpScribble does the same.

“Thanks again for a really useful piece of software at a very reasonable price!”

Geoff Moten

“Thanks again for a great help utility - the combination of functionality and usability in a package that allows people to get up to speed quickly is tough to deliver, but you have done it.

“I had previously been using RoboHELP 4.0 and had struggled with its (over) complexities. HelpScribble was a breath of fresh air - you can quote me.”

Ben Hill

“I have been a user of both HelpScribble and DeployMaster for many years. I love the value to cost ratio offered by your products. You made it possible for me to deliver more professional products back when I was first getting started and didn’t have the money to buy the ‘industry standard software’. Now I continue using them because they are simple to use.”

20 January 2019, Indiana, USA

Peter Colley

“HelpScribble is terrific software and the way you support it commendable. I don’t need to use it very often, but when I do it always works perfectly.”

26 July 2017, California, USA

Reed Maly

“I’m amazed that I’ve been enjoying HelpScribble for a decade!”

23 October 2014, Nebraska, USA

Jeff Elwood

“A developer friend of mine suggested HelpScribble years ago when Windows forced me to make a change and I am so thankful. I upgrade my EZ Home and Office Address Book several times a year which means I also need to update the help program. HelpScribble makes it so easy. I take my help program very seriously and then use many excerpts from the help program on my website which saves me a significant amount of time. Thanks for a great product!”—

21 June 2013, Florida, USA

Roger Pilkington

“HelpScribble is a great piece of software and fun to use, although it is a very professional piece of software. I bought it about 15 years ago to write the Help files for a VB Program that I had written. I found it easy to use and just fun to use. My program is being used by all the major oil companies that are working in the arctic. Recently someone noted that the Help files did not work in Windows 7 so I checked out your software and found that HelpScribble could easily handle the problem. It took me an hour or less to convert my Help files to html help files.”

9 March 2012, Calgary, Canada

Brett Fairbourn

“Thanks for HelpScribble. I’m working on a rather substantial help file, and one little detail was the last straw for me, I had to contribute a testimonial. I was typing the topic name I wanted a link to point to, and it didn’t auto-complete because I hadn’t actually created that topic yet. I clicked cancel, quickly created the topic I needed, and then went back to the text I wanted to link to this new topic. When I highlighted the text and hit CTRL+L (a very handy shortcut), my unfinished title was already in the text field. I typed one more character and HelpScribble filled in the rest. Little time-savers like that make me happy. We are a worldwide company with offices in California, England, Canada, Germany, France, and Australia, and we were very pleasantly surprised to find such a powerful piece of software at such a low price, with such flexible licensing options. Thanks a ton.”

16 March 2009, California, USA

Tony White

“I bought HelpScribble only a day ago and have finished my first help file for my latest program. I have to tell you, I hate writing help files but your program made it a pleasure. It is easy, fast and reliable. The resulting files were great. The added bonus was generating the Flat File for use on the web site. This is the best money I have spent yet on a software tool.”

2 July 2008, Australia

Walter McCrate

“Just a few words about HelpScribble. I never cease to be impressed by the program and the support - still getting upgrades. In this age of hype, (light, standard, pro), charged updates which can be nothing more than bug-fixes, there is HelpScribble from a company with a name like Just Great Software&emdash;such an understatement. Many thanks for the continuing commitment to your product.”

28 May 2008, Ontario, Canada

Jason Sweby

“Fantastic product, bought it today on the back of a successful trial. We decompiled our 8-year old HLP file and successfully created a CHM file first time. Thank you.”

21 March 2007, United Kingdom

Kirk Bedwell

“Good morning! WOW! What an awesome product you guys have put together. I downloaded the product yesterday and have gotten more done with it in five hours then I did in a week with Help and Manual. I will be purchasing the full version by the end of the week.”

31 May 2006, Illinois, USA

Mark Williams

“Thanks so much - this is a truly excellent piece of software. I had written a previous Help system for one of our applications the ‘old-fashioned way’ several years ago, and when I needed to update it this past week, I could not remember anything about how to do that archaic, horrible stuff with RTF files. I stumbled across your software searching the web, and have been really impressed with its ease of use and amazing flexibility. I cranked out the complete help system in just one day thanks to HelpScribble! It’s been a terrific help to me - THANK YOU!!”

3 October 2005, Maryland, USA

Ray Jacobsen

“Your product is great, easy to use. I just ordered it because it is easy to use, will save me a TON of time vs. using Microsoft’s product, and I can use it to great advantage. I’m a CPA who happens to do some development work for clients from time to time. Your product will save me valuable time which is the biggest cost involved with such projects. The investment in HelpScribble will be recouped in the first project I do.”

13 May 2005, Washington, USA

Dennis Retherford

“Rarely, if ever, do I take the time to complement a software developer on their product. I myself develop software and know all the headaches that go with it. Your product is one of the best specialized software’s I have purchased. It really does live up to your claims. As I stated earlier, I NEVER acknowledge greatness in software, but your software deserves exception. Keep up the great work.”

22 February 2005, California, USA

Norman James

“I must say that you have done everything right: your software is as solid as a rock, the help file is almost 100% complete, and your web site is straightforward and fully informative. I have seen no errors of grammar or spelling in either the program or your site, which is a marvel since most software engineers are only semi-literate.”

“In accordance with the instructions I decompiled our existing help file, then imported it into the HelpScribble demo. I was able to find the answers to my questions even before you wrote, validating your statement that the program is so easy to use that few people need help. All the changes and additions were done in the demo, so when I purchased the full program this morning, the final help file was done in seconds.”

8 October 2004, Oklahoma, USA

Martin Dean

“Many thanks for getting back to me. After reading your documentation and Microsoft Access Help I realized [I could integrate a help file created with HelpScribble with my MS Access application].

“I have since bought a copy and I am extremely happy - as someone who is (unfortunately) developing the help system right at the end of this project, HelpScribble is an excellent solution and very easy to use and deploy.”

18 March 2003, United Kingdom

James Muller

“Thanks Jan. I appreciate hearing from you. I continue to promote your excellent product. I can’t understand why anyone would use RoboHelp, etc when they could use HelpScribble.”

Scott Purcell—The Horsley Company

“I have been using HelpScribble for a couple of years now. I do industrial automation. With HelpScribble I can include the entire Operation & Maintenance manual on an operator interface terminal in the form of help files. I absolutely love it. I convinced one of my fellow programmers to buy a copy also.”

Peter Duijm

“A few weeks ago I downloaded HelpScribble and just recently did it again to get the newest release of this product.

“First off let me tell you that I like HelpScribble a lot. Admittedly when I first saw the GUI in did scare me off a bit and I wondered what I had gotten myself into and if I would be able to grasp it all. I have of course never done anything with help files at all and downloaded it because I was curious and always wanting to learn new stuff had an incredible urge to learn how to make these HLP things.

“The GUI with lots of color, entry fields, a frame like lay-out, smart icons and functions seemed kinda ‘loud’ and ‘busy’.

“But I just went on ahead and started to fool around a bit and took a look at the source of your Sample help file. I got the hang of it quickly enough and as I said I am very impressed now and like the way it works. I am still in the phase of discovery so to speak. I am also a rather satisfied user of EditPad and think you should very seriously consider going into business on your own. Give Bill and his gang a rough time!”

Carsten Witte

“Without HelpScribble my programs wouldn’t have help. ;)”

Adilson G. Oliveira

“I just want to say I´m trashing RoboHelp and ForeHelp I used until few days ago. Could you imagine why? :-)

“Thanks for this great product!”

Geir Hammer

“Until for a few days ago, when I downloaded and tried HelpScribble, I wondered how I could manage to create my own help files for Windows. I have to admit I almost gave up. I had tried a several tools for that purpose, included Microsoft’s own, without getting any wiser. So I decided to give it a one last try and after a good looking around, I found HelpScribble. And POW! Within ten minutes with that intelligent devil of a program, I had created my first Help-file test file. And already now, a few days later I’m working on two major projects. I could not see any reason not to buy it. So that’s done.

“Wishing Jan well, and keep up the intelligent way to write programs.”

Martin Walters

“I had no experience of Help files except for reading the Microsoft manuals, and thought that it would be extremely tedious and hard to make one. HelpScribble allowed me to generate the whole project in about 3 working days. A brilliant tool.” […]

“By the way this is the first shareware program I have purchased - It must be good.”

Marcia B. Perry

“I used ForeHelp, HelpWriter, VB Helpwriter and a few other help authoring programs before discovering the best one, HelpScribble. It is the most well-written, user-friendly and reasonably priced program I have ever used.”

Raymond Koch

“While I have your attention I would like to say that I think help scribble is a great idea and the product is fantastic. I have been looking for a tool to aid me in creating help files and I think your implementation of HelpScribble puts the competition to shame.”

Christopher Morris

“I have been looking for a low-cost help authoring tool for a long time now. I heard about yours on the Delphi programming newsgroup.

“I would just like to say that HelpScribble is worth every penny I paid to register it. […]

“Thanks again for providing a quality help authoring tool at a REASONABLE cost!”

Orville Hemans

“Just a quick note to say I think HelpScribble is brilliant. I’ve tried ForeHelp, and EasyHelp, I registered Help Writer’s Assistant, but your software knocks them into a cocked hat. As a shareware author myself, using Delphi, I find it a perfect fit.”

Robin Keir

“I downloaded HelpScribble 2 days ago as I needed an easier way to create some Help files. In one day I had completed the job!

“I was so pleased that I registered the program the next day. This is the first shareware program I have willingly paid for!”

Jim Morey

“I just want to compliment you on the fine job you did with HelpScribble. About two years ago I was faced with the challenge of developing an extensive .hlp file and used another authoring system. It was just a horror story. When another occasion arose where I needed another .hlp file I was dreading the experience.

“Then I found your software on the Internet. I took a swing at it with much trepidation only to be pleasantly surprised. It was easy. In less than a week I had the start of just what I needed and now think of myself as a real expert. Good job. I registered the software this morning.”

Ken Hale

“I am beginning to program and have always heard others talk about making Help files with pain in their voices. :-}

“I began to look at some of the Help authoring programs currently available, found one that would have worked OK, but then downloaded HelpScribble. I was sold immediately. I still have much to learn, but my first Help file looks pretty good. I love using SHG screen shots! Thanks.”


Did these people’s testimonials convince you that HelpScribble is an excellent help authoring tool? It certainly is one of the best-selling help authoring tools available today.